Test Class |
Parameters |
- openfuture.bugbase.test.host: host name
of the Bug Base instance.
[Default: localhost:8080]
- openfuture.bugbase.test.context: context name
of the Bug Base instance.
[Default: bugbase]
- openfuture.bugbase.test.userid: User ID.
[Default: admin]
- openfuture.bugbase.test.password:
Password for the user.
[Default: bugbase]
- openfuture.bugbase.test.project: Project
name where the bug reports should be reported for.
[Default: BugBase Test]
- openfuture.bugbase.test.project.package:
package name under the given project
where the bug reports should be reported for.
[Default: test]
Test type |
Setup |
- Create an instance of the proxy
- Log in as the given user.
- Create new users:
- normal user
- doctor user
- admin user
Tests |
Tear down |
- Log in as the given user.
- Remove the users created.