Bug Base: Building the Application
distribution already contains all parts required for the
Jakarta Tomcat installation
(except for third party products). In this case, this part may
The build process of Bug Base is based on Ant version
1.5.1. We assume, that Ant is installed. Two scripts are
contained in the distribution for the invocation of Ant: build.bat for Microsoft environments and build.sh for Unix-like operating systems. Their
invocation is similar:
[-D<variable>=<value>]* <target>
target |
description |
build |
Creation of all parts of the installation.
dist |
Creation of source and binary
distribution. The binary distribution follows the
servlet API 2.2.
admin.jar |
Creation of
applet.jar |
Creation of
The build process is controlled by the following files:
- build.xml: The central
configuration file
- build.properties: This file defines
all default values of the build variables used in the
build.xml file.
- profile/deployment-default.properties:
This file defines all variables, that are deployment specific.
- project.properties: This file is read initially and may
override all Ant variables.
In order to override deployment specific variables, write your own
deployment-....properties and define the variable
deployment.settings in your